Sometimes I forget that the title of my blog is
"Laurax Doodles in Khmer" (I just put a link to my blog on my blog.) And it's been over a month since I've written a blog post. It's not that I haven't had material to write about. I have bountiful amounts of material that I could share with the world but I've had a lot on my mind lately. So much so that I've been overwhelmed with where to begin with it all. Also, I finished reading the book
"Freedom: A Novel" by Jonathan Franzen. That book took a lot out of me. It was so good but it wasn't an easy read. My brain is now more jam packed with highly severe political and environmental information and opinions because of that book. Also, I'm quietly keeping up with politics in Cambodia (There's a super duper important election in July) and that alone could cause cardiac arrest for me. HOWEVER, due to my position as a Peace Corps volunteer, I am not allowed to dispense my opinions (especially via the World Wide Web) about the country's politics. It's for the best.
And so, I will share with you, some of my recent apolitical artworkings:
How to treat a wound.
I was channeling Angelina Jolie for this one. She's checking her carotid pulse
Measuring a pregnant belly - ANC Check-ups!
Do you recognize infection when you see it?
how to care for a nosebleed. Usually there is tissue or gauze also involved...
This is the cover art for the training manual "Chewy Pong" which means "Help!" The manual was made by a number of PCVs from all around Cambodia and it's pretty cool. I was experimenting with color in this one. I'm not sure if I like the color choices yet. I need to take my color design class with Wendell again. (Can you see the stained glass? If you can't, that's too bad. Inspired by my mamma!)
What do you think of the colors? I don't know...
And I've been motivated to start making my own drawings just for the heck of it. I got in the mood to do a vintage circus theme...
Gypsy lady, I'm kinda in love with you.
I'm going to go and play hopscotch now.