July 12, 2012


Hellll-llloooo (insert Jerry Seinfeld voice here) from 10,000 feet! Guess what I did? Yes, I was desperate and paid for internet on my flight to Washington DC. Why it not free? Dumbo. Don't EVEN ask how much it was. $9.95.Whatevs.Don't hate. What else am I gonna do? Read a book? Pshhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'M DOING THIS FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.

Anyhoo. I'm landing in DC at 11AM ET. Actually the airplane driver just said we'd get there about 15 minutes early. Smoooooooth sailing. Flying. Pretty neat. I'm meeting with a fellow Peace Corps Trainee, Name: Erica, by the baggage claim then we'll find a taxi-doodle and head on over to the Georgetown Holiday Inn. We do Peace Corps stuff all day today and then leave tomorrow around 1PM. Friday the 13th, yo. Don't be scurred. So that is what's happening in the future.
Liz and Oprah
I was hoping for a flight like this but really I'm sitting next to a woman knitting (sorry for the poor quality photo...) OOooooh here come the pretzels! I wish this were Midwest Airlines because they give you WARM CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. Are you serious? Yes. It's pretty much my dream come true but they should be UNLIMITED COOKIES. Pshhhhhhh. Moving on. I want to give a shout out to all my beautiful friends and family that were so supportive and loving the past couple of weeks. Luckily, I think I've been pretty sane...if you're comparing me to my normal baseline insanity. I was very busy running around the city with homies, trailer-trippin' to Park Rapids, and generally being very happy.

I went on a fantastic bike ride around Minneapolis with my dear friend and jefe (boss), Jeff Nistler (if that really is his name.) He's a bike aficionado, master farmer, and knowledge/humor giver/sharer. He's babysitting my Sekine bicycle while I'm away and I'm hoping for an extreme makeover.
Anyway, we made stops at local bike shops, including Angry Catfish which also functions as a coffee bar. It's pretty hip. So hip it hurts. While there, we loaded up on complex carbohydrates (delicious cookies) and my FIRST DOUBLE ESPRESSO. (Note: First Espresso of any kind, not even a single. Impressed?) It was hard to get down even with the cookies. Comparable to whiskey?

Espresso My first and perhaps last? Espresso
Then I took a trip to Park Rapids with Arthur Wesley Christoperson to hang in his (parent's) Airstream Trailer. And guess what? It's as awesome as it sounds.

Da Trailer Trailer livin'
We checked out(trespassed on) an abandoned house:


We canoed on Lake Itasca!

Art Steer This guy tricked me into canoeing the entire length of Lake Itasca!

How I really feel about Canoeing "I love this!"

Sorry for the overflow showing off of my trip. My airplane is now descending toward DC so I must leave you for now. It's been real fun internetting up in the sky!

Be good.




  1. I'm so happy for you, Laura! Be adventurous and safe. Loves from me and Chris.

    Love, Katie.

    P.S. We'll take real good care of Arfur.

  2. Learn Lots and Go back to South and show them your pictures when you are done! You are awesome!

    Michael Boucher
