June 27, 2012


Hi friends.
I am now approaching the end of my rope. Like literally, this rope is only 14 days long (approximately 17 feet and 5.4 inches* long according to super scientific calculations processed through NASA (*completely fabricated number by Laura Olson)) and from there I'm not really sure what I will be holding on to. And if you haven't seen me lately...I look a little like this:
Seriously though, this (TOTAL RECALL) is one of my favorite movies of all time (TOTAL RECALL). If anyone wants to demonstrate their true "friend"-liness to me, it will be by watching this movie with me before I leave and discuss with me how much the remake will suck. Am I right? Or...am I right??? Noboday likes Colin Farrell.
Moving on to more serious topics though...:
I am so very NOT prepared and walking around like a stupid squirrel not really sure which way to go when a car is charging right towards me. This is very VERY hard.
And just a couple days ago I got my super-fancy-high-tech-carry-on-bag from Eagle Creek. Now I can actually practice packing. And I'm not kidding when I say that. I really need to practice packing. My checked bag cannot weigh over 50lbs (but I could have two.) I hope to have only one carry-on and one checked bag and later regret not having enough stuff with me when I get to Cambodia. That's what I usually do when I travel anyway...it's cooooooo.

I finally finished a large portion of my PRE-DEPARTURE-TRAINING packet which was 300 pages long, by the ways. And I owe a lot of my thanks to my extremely helpful person-helper dog, Beau:


But really he didn't do anything but put his face all up in my grill when I was trying to type some shizzz about development and project design. Whatevs. The real credit goes out to my friend Geneva who has always given me good advice in hard times. On like, "how do you kiss boys?" and "what if they have gum in their mouths?" (disgusting. OBVIOUSLY, you never kiss them and you NEVER talk to them again because gum (and boys) is disgusting.

What? Where was I? Who am I? I don't know anymore.
All that I do know is that things are getting real, REAL soon and I'm still not getting hit by the "real-ness" wave. What?
TANGENT: Have you heard this song?
This song brings back good memories and is all in all a really lovely song by Grizzly Bear. I believe my next two weeks in Minneapolis will be a lot like this song.
It makes everyone, even babies, wanna dance. Or just bounce up and down.
Listen to that song. Be happy. I'm happy.
Peace out

your Peace Corps Volunteer.


  1. I can vouch for that baby dance thing.

    1. I was mainly thinking of Finn Baby with the bouncing babies. I was a little bit intoxicated when I wrote this post so I didn't try very hard to find an actual video of a baby dancing to the song. dumb.
