June 14, 2012

Look Who's Blogging...

Oh Gee Golly Bobby, here we go. 

I'm rockin' this blog thing to keep ya'll informed on my whereabouts (that's one word?) Maybe some of you people don't know and if you don't know, I'M GOING TO CAMBODIA. And it's a pretty big deal. I mean "Peace Corps" big deal, yo. And so much of a big deal that I'm going to blog about it AND I still don't even know 100% when I'm actually leaving....


You say "What? How can you not know 100% when you're going, Laura?" 
Well, let me tell you.  A handful (or more like 8 hands full...) of awesome individuals, including myself, are currently waiting for the Peace Corps and their travel agency to contact us. 

We were told we'd be leaving for staging on July 9th and that we were to hear from the travel agency, SATO, a month in advance. It is now July 15th, 2012. Let me count the days that I have left real quick...1...2...3...25!!! I have 25 more days until I get into an aeroplane, fly to Washington, DC, and meet my new friends for the next two years of my life. YIKES! 

I'm in a surreal state of mind lately. I spend most of my daytime staring at a computer screen, forgetting the original reason for being on the internets, and quickly turning to Facebook in order to fill the void. ARGH FACEBOOK!!! You make it so difficult to get anything done!!!! And I seriously do have A LOT to do. 

How would you prepare yourself for a two month "vacation"? I am one of the most productive people I know, so I have no trouble with my preparation. Like today, I toured the Summit Brewery in St Paul and drank some free beer. If that's not a perfect example of preparation, then I don't know what is. I also take my dog for long walks which allows me to think about all the things I have to do. Did I mention my dog yet? His name is Beau and he is a good dog. He is also sooooooooo happy I'm home all day wasting my time like it's going out of style (because it really is!!!) 

This is my dog, BTDouble-U's:

There's also a rat on my shoulder. FLIP YOUR DOGS EAR!!!

Other than being a professional time-waster, I've also had the chance to meet up with old friends, family, and (ex-ish) co-workers. It's like all of a sudden I'm a HOT COMMODITY! Who wants some Laura time?! Please grab a number and wait for it to be called...
Just kidding, sorta. I'm not actually that popular. But I am that popular with my dog. He won't leave me alone!!!

Enough about my dog. 

To close this off, I'd like to thank an awesome and talented friend of mine, Alison Deuhs Allen. She is an internet-blog-computer Master and I am yet a wee little interwebs-grasshopper. She basically did everything to make this bloggy thing look the way it looks.  I'm extremely happy with how it looks already and there is the possibility of making it look even more purty and unique. 

Check out Alison's blog: Deuce Cities Henhouse 

And now I'm going to go to bed. (probably not.)

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