June 18, 2012



And by that I mean I have two more days EXTRA in Minneapolis before I leave FOREVER (not.)

We (the Peace Corps K6 crew) finally got word from the Peace Corps, at 4PM (Central Time) on Friday June 15th, as to when we'd officially be gathering for staging in DC. Unfortunately for some, the e-mail was too late for them to book on Friday so they had to wait until today (Monday June 18th, yo.) 

I leave Minneapolis on July 12th in the AM and fly to DC via Delta Airlines (Flight 5708 if you feel like tracking it??Like Rain Man. False, he memorized all airplane crashes in history. Sorry.
I arrive in DC around 11:38AM and zoom over to check into the Holiday Inn Georgetown. From there I will endure a series of tests in which I will be poked and prodded my men in white space suits i.e. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. Or maybe it will be more like the welcome tour at Jurassic Park. We'll be locked into a rotating movie-theatre in which we'll watch a documentary of the history of PC, and then meet the dinosaurs that will eat us at the end of the movie. I HOPE SO!!!!

My next tattoo. 

Anyway, after the brainwash-sesh, I get to sleep in a comfy hotel bed until I wake up to the bullhorn and we're all lead out of the building like cattle on our way to the slaughterhouse at 7:30AM. Our flight doesn't technically leave until 1PM. Why so early to the airport? I don't know. But I really like airports so whatevs. 
Then I'll be on a flight to Bangkok for the next 23 hours.......................................................................
Then we spend One Night In Bangkok. 
We leave Bangkok on Sunday, July 15th and arrive in Phnom Penh around 7:25PM (their time?)

My mom asked me if it felt real now that I have my official staging dates, flights booked, etc. And no. It still feels pretty not real. Also, I've been keeping tabs on the weather in Cambodia and it appears to be about 80ish degrees at night time. For the whole night...and top that off with at least 75% humidity. And this is monsoon season we're talkin'!! I'm sure no one will want to ever touch me once I'm there as I will be sweating nonstop. I will be sweating while I'm sitting. Sweating while I'm thinking. Sweating while I'm taking a cold shower. 

For all you Minnesotans out there I will do a weather comparison for you:

Today in Minneapolis it is humid as hell. Standing in one place for too long with the sunlight anywhere near you will create droplets of sweat in your elbow-pits and on your brow. According to weather.com our current humidity is only 43% and it is decreasing as the day moves along. 

Now, travel by teleportation or jet ski to Phnom Penh where there is a 12 hour difference. It is 84 degrees. It is nighttime. It is 70% HUMIDITY. 

Just saying. I hope I can adapt to this weather. But by the power of Grayskull, I will overcome! By golly, one of my 5 strengths according to the Strengths Finder 2.0 is adaptability! Come hell or high-water, I will adapt! 

And now I am done. 




  1. Think of all the excess water you will lose! Hope to make a pit stop at your party on Saturday. Hopefully, you will not have evaporated by then.

    1. "Can humans Evaporate" By Melissa Narum. Your research is due on my desk at 0-300 this Saturday. Thank you, comrade.

  2. I am excited for you! Prediction... You will someday adopt a cute little Cambodian boy/girl. I guarantee you will fall in love with the kids and they will fall in love with you. You heard it here first....Dan

    1. I'll will probably have to contain myself while I'm there. I could come back with five kids if I'm not careful. Yeeps!
